Friday, September 24, 2010

More Music...No Woman 1

There are 2 versions of this song...
(Actually, there are 3, but the last version has disappeared
somewhere in the dim dark recesses of the Music Room.)

So here is version 1, which has verses 1 and 2.
Version 2 contains verses 3 and 4, and the third version,
wherever it is, has verse 5.

Buddy Ray is playing with me on this one.
He is doing electric guitar, and I am doing bass, acoustic
guitar, drums, and vocal.

I include the standard disclaimer:

Not professionally recorded, and it might sound better if
you listened with headphones.

PS... the song has a VERY long guitar part at the end, which you will quickly grow
weary of...feel free to stop it whenever you have had enough.
The reason it was so long, is we were originally going to do a long fade-out, similar to
Freebird by Lynyrd Skynryd, but that never happened, it just kind of ended...finally...

The link and the lyrics appear below:

No Woman 1

1. Say, need a friend?
Buy you a drink
Loneliness so black
Now you don't have to think

Wrenching tears at night, the pillow's always wet
Memories that tear you
Remember dimly, don't forget

2. He sits at the bar a-starin' at his drink
Tryin' to think, to think
Best friend just died, the last of 'em
Old, old man, so alone
He's old, too, booze his last friend

Never took no woman

Peace be with you.


  1. Hey Joe--Wow. I listened. It's a sad song, Joe! Well done. Very well done!

  2. as I just posted on my blog...I find song lyrics to be some of my most favorite poetry. This is sad but meaningful. Very nice Joe!

  3. Love to hear your acoustic guitar, Joe!!
    Well done!

  4. Well, that poem really hit home!
    Great sentiments in such few words/lyrics!

    Very well done, Joe. Sad song but yet so beautiful!

    Have a lovely weekend!

