Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Illustrious Career...Part Twenty-one

After being laid off from Familian in 1991, I was again on
the prowl for a new job. My patient, newly-married bride was
now forced to see me go through a succession of crappy,
low-paying no-future jobs all in the year 1991:

I did out-bound telephone solicitation calls for our local
newspaper. That was not pleasant at better for me
than it is for you to get the call at dinner.

I worked for a time as an office manager for a 25-year-old 'kid'
who owned an auto window-tinting shop in Chatsworth.
I think his dad had set him up in business, and I was the one who
answered his phones, helped with his accounting, supervised the
lads who were working on the cars, and scheduled his appointments.

This kid must have had some pretty good connections, because
he had service contracts with all the major new car dealers in
the area, and it was pretty cool when we got to go to the dealers
and drive the new cars back to his shop to do the tinting.

He even did a few Rolls Royces...and I learned that the proper
way to refer to these cars was not by calling them a 'Rolls',
but as a 'Royce'.

But it was a temporary minimum wage gig, and silly me, I took on
another Sales type job during that year! I sold adjustable beds...
not the well-known Craftmatic, but a brand called Celebrity Choice.

These were very expensive beds, running into several thousand
dollars, and were sold by going directly to home owners who had
requested that we come out to them. It was difficult, hard-sell
work, but the commission was fairly nice on a sale. Still, you really
had to work hard mentally, and I was going out to work on
evenings and weekends, almost every day. It was not what I
wanted to be doing while still a newlywed.

Next I took a job at an answering service.
This was 'flunky work' as well, but interesting enough to warrant
its own post, so this will be described in my next exciting episode!

Peace be with you.


  1. I will be out of town all weekend, as we are going down to Kerrville one more time to pick up The Daughter from summer camp...her five weeks are over.
    See you all on Monday!

  2. Wow! I really need to sit down and list all the jobs I've had. I don't think it's anywhere close to your number though. You are one persistant and responsible person...

  3. Take me some photos in Kerrville!

  4. Enjoy your weekend in Kerrville I have a feeling the Daughter just may have a lot of talking to do about her time there :)

  5. Hi, Jimmy! We just got here to Kerrville, they have a pc here at the Hampton Inn.
    I will take some photos, Ms A, they have a building that is getting demolished, it is pretty cool, will have to take pictures of it.

  6. I need to o back and read the last few post about you jobs before these two. I missed the whole thing about The bride...hmmm...lots to catch up with this weekend. i hope you have a great time with the daughter and like Jimmy said I am sure she has some pretty great stories to tell. I am glad to be back as I have missed my blog is funny but I really missed my little family of bloggers. You all really mean something to me!

  7. Hi Susie! Good to see you back! I hope everything went well!

  8. I used to do surveys... very similar to sales calls. That was hell. Felt like I lost my soul.

  9. Can't wait to read the next post!! Have a fun week-end with your daughter and see you on Monday :)
